Court Sports 4 Life's
Comprehensive Capital Campaign:
Three Initiatives for Pickleball, Tennis & Maintenance
Invest in Public Pickleball & Tennis in Steamboat Springs

Steamboat Relishes Pickleball Expansion Project
Courting Love
Tennis Center Renewal Project
Painting the Lines
Maintenence Endowment Fund
Use this button to donate to CS4L's
Paint the Lines! Maintenance Endowment Fund and you'll be directed to the Yampa Valley Community Foundation website.
CS4L is a Colorado Enterprise Zone project so CO residents may earn up to 25% state income tax credit for direct donations made to Court Sports 4 Life of $250 or more. (Learn more about the Colorado Enterprise Zone Income Tax Credit program here, but please consult your tax advisor for specific tax advice.)
Did you know that you can potentially eliminate your capital gains tax when you gift appreciated securities? (Here's a good article from Fidelity Charitable but please consult your tax advisor for specific tax advice.)
To donate securities,
please contact David Lamb at
Edward Jones in Steamboat – 970.879.7742 or