BREAKING NEWS – We are so excited to announce a challenge match that kickstarts our fundraising to rebuild 4 outdoor tennis courts THIS year. Can you help meet the $90,000 challenge by March 31st to get the ball rolling?

Rebuilding four outdoor tennis courts is part of the overall Center Expansion Plan. Our ideal construction schedule would be:
Phase I: Rebuild 4 Outdoor Tennis Courts – If done in late Summer 2021, only two of the 8 existing outdoor tennis courts would be taken out of commission in 2021. Six outdoor tennis courts would then be available throughout the construction of the indoor pickleball building and thereafter.
Phase II: Build the indoor Pickleball Center – If sufficient funds are raised by 12/31/21 as specified in the contract with the City, construction would begin in Spring 2022 and finish in Spring/Summer 2023.
So what will it take to make this happen? We need to raise at least $400K for the new outdoor tennis courts immediately! Why so much? Court construction costs have doubled in the last three years. We have received estimates of $100K each for building a post-tension concrete court (minimal cracking and lasts a lifetime) and an additional $50K each for gel-coating (a knee-friendly surface like the indoor tennis courts). There are some lower cost options – such as building asphalt courts or gel-coating some courts now and the others later – that we will consider if needed. Why the urgency? We must engage a court construction company by March 31st in order to start work after the NTRP tournament ends on August 8th. Which brings us to how you can help make this a reality. A small group of tennis players are throwing down a challenge – they will match all donations pledged by March 31st up to $90,000!
Will you help? Please act now –
Read more (including donor recognition levels)
Contact any of us on the Capital Campaign Committee if you have questions: Becky Lamb, Chair – (970) 846-4527 Loretta Conway – (415) 328-0314 Ursula Hermacinski – (707) 225-7048 Debbie Modzelewski – (609) 865-4116
MAKE A PLEDGE (Pledges may be paid over three years (2021-2023). Initial payments will not be requested until we obtain permits for the four outdoor tennis courts.)
DONATE NOW (You can even donate with crypto!)
Please pledge by March 31st (or sooner!) so we know if we can work on the tennis courts this summer. Thank you!